Anna Power
The FreeHydroCells project was pleased to present the results of recent work on photoelectrochemical water splitting at the 2023 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting in Boston, USA.
Cansu Ilhan, a PhD candidate within the AMBER Research Centre Ireland at CRANN, Trinity College Dublin and the Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, Ireland, was accepted as an oral presentation delegate at the prestigious in-person meeting to give a talk on the work of FreeHydroCells to the MRS audience under the focused topic of “EN: Energy and Sustainability” at the dedicated symposium on: “EN06: Emerging Energy Applications of Low-Dimensional Layered and Crystalline Materials”.

The presentation focused on developments in enhanced photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting using doped transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) nanofilms with transparent conductive oxides for potential emerging energy applications in hydrogen production from solar energy conversion.
Cansu presented our exploratory findings on the detection of photo-response modulations with changes in materials systems and their dopant types and concentrations; the photocurrent response from a Class AAA solar simulator at AM1.5g ~1.0 Suns; and the overall estimate of the Solar-To-Hydrogen (STH) efficiency.
The research presented was the result of contributions from a cross-institutional team of researchers spanning:
- University College Cork, (Tyndall National Institute, School of Chemistry and the Environmental Research Institute), incorporating the AMBER Research Centre at CRANN, Trinity College Dublin and the Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, Ireland
- BARDS Acoustic Science Labs
- CNR-IMM (National Research Council of Italy, Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems)
Read the full presentation
The presentation has been published under open access science principles and is available to read in full here:
Cansu Ilhan, Ievgen Nedrygailov, Ross Smith, Jun Lin, Christopher Kent, Ian M. Povey, Colm O’Dwyer, Salvatore Lombardo, Giuseppe Nicotra, Paul K. Hurley, Mick Morris, Dara Fitzpatrick, Justin D. Holmes and Scott Monaghan, ” Enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting with doped transition metal dichalcogenide nanofilms “, Materials Research Society, 2023 Fall Meeting, 26 Nov. – 1 Dec. (2023), Reference: EN06.07.03 (see Book of Abstracts); Abstract Link:; Open Access Presentation Link (PDF):
About MRS
Materials Research Society (MRS) is a vibrant organisation that gathers industry, academia and researchers in the field of materials science. Founded in 1973, today MRS has a network of more than 13,000 members in over 90 countries worldwide. A group of scientists in Warrensdale, Pennsylvania, USA, first established MRS with the aim of advancing the field of materials science through interdisciplinary collaboration. Consequently, members come from a diverse array of disciplines, including chemistry, physics, engineering and biology.
The annual MRS Fall Meeting, billed as “the world’s foremost international scientific gathering for materials research”, features presentations from materials scientists around the globe on advancements in the field. Interestingly, the year 2023 marked a special milestone, being the 50th anniversary of MRS’ establishment. The Fall Meeting took place from 26th November to 1st December in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. A further three days of virtual presentation followed from 5th to 7th December.
"The Materials Research Society will build a dynamic, interactive, global community of materials researchers to advance technical excellence by providing a framework in which the materials disciplines can convene, collaborate, integrate and advocate."
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