Anna Power
The work of the FreeHydroCells project was recently featured in the JRF Annual Report 2023.
What is the JRF?
The Johannes Rau Research Foundation (JRF) is the research association of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
It is an umbrella organisation of 16 independent state-funded, non-profit, non-university research institutions across North Rhine-Westphalia. Its members number 1,600 employees with an annual turnover of €124 million.
The aim of the JRF is to foster and facilitate research cooperation, to promote young scientists, engage in public relations work, and regularly evaluate the activities of its member institutes. The NRW State Ministry of Culture and Science is also a member of the JRF.
FreeHydroCells in the JRF Annual Report 2023
Each year, the JRF publishes an Annual Report on its activities. The FreeHydroCells project was delighted to be featured in the 2023 Report. The piece, titled ‘Nature as a Model’, focused on the innovative concept of FreeHydroCells, which draws on inspiration from the natural process of photosynthesis in designing a novel process to convert solar energy to chemical energy.
The project was featured as part of a highlight of activities by FreeHydroCells partner AMO. AMO is a member institute of the JRF, and plays an important role in the delivery of FreeHydroCells work, particularly in Work Packages 1 and 2.
And what’s more, project team members Desislava Daskalova and Gonzalo Aguila (pictured, above right) of AMO even made a star appearance on the front cover of the report!

Read the full report here (German only)